Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Im on a boat!

Being a Navy guy in the middle of the desert is a little weird. I know that the Gulf is only like 20 miles from where I live and work, but it may as well be a thousand for all that I get to see it. I admit, I miss the ocean a little. I think I have lived on or near the ocean for most of my life, and I think I took it for granted a bit. So when the chance to take a ride on a tug was presented I jumped on it.

Besides the chance to get on the open ocean again was a chance to get away from Camp Arifjan, or Arifjail as its not so affectionatly known, for an afternoon. My job is the living embodyment of Groundhogs Day. Every day I wake up at the same time, get to work at the same time, have the same mundane conversations, eat the same shitty food, and stare at the same computer screen contemplating jabbing pins into my eyes. Thank god for my Magic Jack or I may be sitting in a rubber room as we speak.

Enough about my exciting job, lets get to the boat ride! I took 3 of my staff members with me and headed out to the Kuwait Navy Base. The Tugs are owned by a Kuwaiti company and contracted by the US Government to bring in US vessels that carry everything from food to tanks into the country.

So we met up with the tug at the pier!

And headed out to sea!

We drove out to sea about three miles and met up with this rust bucket that we got to board and ride back into port.

I think Wilson's got a little captain in him.

So there is a few pics from my boat ride. It was pretty cool. I got a sunburn and chapped lips. I guess I need to get me sea legs back.

Talk to you all soon.

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